Fig. 10.
Netrin1 is not required for oculomotor migration into the floor plate. A, B To locate Netrin expression during oculomotor migration, the mutant allele Netrin1lacZ was labeled with anti beta-gal in Netrin1-/- (i.e. lacZ/lacZ) mutant mice. On E13.5, Netrin1 was expressed by the floor plate and ventricular layer of cells in ventral midbrain (A), adjacent to Islet1/2+ motor neurons located in the nucleus and in the floor plate (B). C. DiI back-label from nIII in a Netrin1-/- embryo on E13.5. A 200 um coronal section along the plane of the oculomotor nerve was imaged by z-stacked confocal images. Leading processes projected from the oculomotor nucleus toward the contralateral nucleus (n = 3). Scale bar, 100 μm