Percentage of live cells in photocrosslinked hydrogels at low (2 mw/cm2) light intensity. (A and B) Percentage of live encapsulated HADMSC, HAVIC, HASSMC stained with Live/Dead at day 1 of culture. Precursor solution was made with increasing (A) Irgacure 2959 and (B) VA086 concentrations and crosslinked with a lamp at 2 mW/cm2 and compared between cell types. Average live percentage values for day 1 are listed in Table S2, and representative Live/Dead images of each condition are in supplemental materials (Fig. S2–S7). Results of two-way ANOVA listed in Table S8 and Table S9. Non-matching letters on graph indicate p<0.05 for Tukey HSD post-hoc test and standard error of the mean shown by error bars. (A) At day 1 in culture there was a statistically significant interaction between the effect of cell type and the effect of photoinitiator concentration on the percentage of live cells in the Irgacure hydrogels (F=5.894 p=0.0015). (B) At day 1 in culture there was a statistically significant interaction between the effects of cell type and VA086 photoinitiator concentration on the percentage of live cells (F=3.96 p=0.0127). (C–H) Encapsulated HADMSC, HAVIC, HASSMC were also stained with Live/Dead at day 3, 4, or 7 of culture. Two-way ANOVA were conducted to examine the effect of photoinitiator concentration and day in culture on the percentage of live cells for (C) HADMSC in Irgacure hydrogels, Table S10, (C) HADMSC in VA086 hydrogels, Table S11, (E) HAVIC in Irgacure hydrogels, Table S12 (F) HAVIC in VA086 hydrogels, Table S13, (G) HASSMC in Irgacure hydrogels, Table S14, (H) HASSMC in VA086 hydrogels, Table S15. Non-matching letters on graphs indicate p<0.05 for Tukey HSD post-hoc test and standard error of the mean shown by error bars. For HADMSC there was not a statistically significant interaction between the effects of photoinitiator concentration and day in culture on the percentage of live cells in hydrogels prepared with Irgacure (F=1.555 p=0.2149) or VA086 concentration and day in culture on the percentage of live cells (F=1.771 p=0.0.2002). There was a statistically significant interaction between the effects of day in culture and photoinitiator concentration on the percentage of live HAVIC for Irgacure (F=7.165 p=0.0005) but not VA086 (F=1.284 p=0.3018) hydrogels. There was a statistically significant interaction between the effects of day in culture and photoinitiator concentration on the percentage of live HASSMC for Irgacure hydrogels (F=3.9815 p=0.0124) but not VA086 (F=1.6005 p=0.204) hydrogels.