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. 2016 Oct 21;22(39):8698–8719. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i39.8698

Table 4.

Effects of various bariatric procedures on diabetic parameters and serum bile acid concentrations

Patients Type of bariatric procedure Time interval from surgery to examination Effect of surgery on diabetic parameters Effect of surgery on serum bile acid concentrations Ref.
Morbidly obese, n = 10 LAGB Various (after losing 20% of body weight) Not presented Decreased fasting BAs; no change in postprandial BAs [28]
Morbidly obese, n = 6, preoperative BMI = 44 Gastric banding 42 d Not presented No change [138]
Morbidly obese, n = 28, BMI = 46.0 Gastric banding 6-28 mo Decreased serum glucose Decreased primary BAs [145]
Decreased serum insulin No change in deoxycholic BAs
Morbidly obese, n = 7, BMI = 43 LSG 1 wk, 3 mo, 1 yr Decreased HOMA-IR Decreased BAs after 1 wk [147]
Increased BAs after 3 mo and 1 yr
Morbidly obese, n =18, BMI = 60 LSG 6 mo Decreased: fasting glucose , fasting insulin, HOMA-IR and HBA1c No change in total BAs [148]
Decreased primary BAs
Increased secondary BAs
Obese females, n = 17, BMI = 43 LSG 24 mo Decreased: HbA1c, insulin, Increased total BAs [29]
Morbidly obese, n =15, BMI = 45 LSG and LAGB 1 and 3 mo Decreased: HbA1c, insulin and HOMA-IR Increased total, primary and secondary BAs [146]
Morbidly obese, n = 8 RYGB Various (after losing 20% of body weight) Not presented Increased fasting and postprandial total and conjugated BAs [28]
Morbidly obese, n = 9, preoperative BMI = 50 RYGB 2-4 yr Lower fasting glucose and insulin Higher total BA concentration [103]
Morbidly obese, n = 37, nondiabetic, preoperative BMI = 48 RYGB About 200 d No change in fasting serum glucose No change in BAs after surgery [150]
Morbidly obese, n =75, diabetic, preoperative BMI = 48 RYGB About 6 mo Decreased fasting serum glucose and HbA1c Increased total BAs [150]
Severely obese women with T2DM, n = 13, preoperative BMI = 44 RYGB 1 mo and 2 yr Decreased HOMA-IR Reduced BAs after 1 mo [32]
Increased BAs after 2 yr
Obese patients, n = 63, BMI = 44 RYGB 15 mo Decreased fasting glucose and HOMA-IR Increased total BAs [23]
Surgically obese, n = 5, BMI > 35 RYGB 1, 4, and 40 wk Not presented Increased conjugated BAs [152]
No changed unconjugated BAs
Obese females, n = 11, BMI = 44 RYGB 34 ± 16 mo Increased postprandial insulin compared to controls increased postprandial BAs comparing to controls [149]
Morbidly obese, n = 30, BMI = 48 RYGB 8-13 mo Decreased serum glucose and insulin concentration Increased primary BAs, glycine BA, deoxycholic BA [145]
Morbidly obese, n = 35, BMI = 48 RYGB 3 mo Decreased HOMA-IR Increased total BAs [151]
Obese patients, n = 30, BMI = 46 RYGB 12 mo Decreased fasting glucose and HOMA-IR Increased total BAs, decreased taurine conjugated BAs [153]
Morbidly obese, n = 7, BMI = 50 LRYGB 1 wk, 3 mo, 1 yr Decreased HOMA-IR Decreased BAs after 1 wk [147]
Increased BAs after 3 mo and 1 yr
Morbidly obese, n = 19, BMI = 43 LRYGB and LSG/DJB 1 and 3 mo Decreased HBA1c, insulin, and HOMA-IR Increased total, primary and secondary BA concentration [146]
Morbidly obese, n = 12, preoperative BMI = 49 Gastric bypass 42 d Not presented Increased total BAs [138]

LSG: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy; LAGB: Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding; LSG/DJB: LSG with duodeno-jejunal bypass; RYGB: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; LRYGB: laparoscopic RYGB.