Stimulus modulation of scale-free neural dynamics and prediction of behavioral performance. A, Spearman rank correlation was calculated between stimulus β and α-amplitude β across the 30 task trials for each subject, and the group average is plotted for all sensors (top left panel). A posterior sensor cluster survived cluster-based correction at p < 0.05 (top right panel). For this significant sensor cluster, α-amplitude β averaged across sensors was plotted for each stimulus β level and rest condition (bottom panel), which shows the mean and SEM across subjects. B, Left, Pearson’s correlation value between behavioral performance (measured as behavioral ρ) and SCP β (averaged across all conditions) across subjects, thresholded at a p < 0.05 level. Nonsignificant sensors are shown as a uniform green background. Right, SCP β averaged across significant sensors is plotted against behavioral ρ for all subjects. C, Same as B, but for the correlation between α-amplitude β and behavioral performance.