Table 1. .
Big Five Personality Factors
Openness |
Extraversion |
Agreeableness |
Neuroticism |
Conscientiousness |
Defined by a person's imagination and independence, with characteristic traits including intelligence, imagination, and curiosity. Individuals who score highly in openness to experiences are portrayed as intellectually curious, open to emotion, interested in art, and willing to try new things. | Describes someone who is outgoing, energetic, demonstrates positivity and assertiveness, and seeks the company of others. Extraverts, thus, often experience less fatigue, are able to have more energy for multiple roles, and view role occupation as beneficial. | Portrayed as someone who is cooperative, forgiving, likeable, kind, sympathetic, and trustful. Fundamentally, agreeable people want harmony and value getting along with others, and as such, have very humanistic natures. | Traditionally refers to those who demonstrate unpleasant, irrational emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression, and worry. Often those with high scores experience more concerns related to job and family stress. | Individuals who demonstrate high levels of conscientiousness are efficient time managers, careful planners, and organizers. Often, these individuals demonstrate lower levels of conflict, as they are able to use their time wisely through time management. |