Figure 3.
Blood biochemistry examinations of the serum samples of macaques. Samples taken at indicated time points were assayed using an automated blood biochemistry analyzer (Piccolo Xpress) to obtain a basic blood biochemistry profile. Different parameters, including albumin (A), globulin (B), creatinine (C), creatine kinase-MB (D), aspartate aminotransferase (E), alanine transaminase (F), alkaline phosphatase (G), total bilirubin (H), blood urea nitrogen (I), and cholesterol (J), of individual macaques were shown in charts. An overview of the individual cynomolgus macaques of the experiment and their animal codes is shown (bottom). Data from different animals are marked with different shapes of symbols; the ID number consists of six digits plus a capital letter. Data from control animals are shown in dashed lines versus solid lines for data from test animals.