Effect of AGAP1 and Kif2A on cell migration. A, efficiency of Kif2A and AGAP1 KD. MDA-MB-231 cells were transfected with control siRNA (Control Si) or siRNA targeting either Kif2A or AGAP1 (SMARTpool siGENOME human siRNA from Dharmacon). Cell lysates were prepared 72 h later and analyzed by immunoblotting (IB) for Kif2A and AGAP1. B, wound healing assay. The effect of reduced expression of Kif2A or AGAP1, by siRNA treatment, on cell migration was examined using a wound healing assay using Ibidi wound healing assay chambers as described under “Materials and Methods.” A single time point from a representative experiment is presented. C, migration of cells with reduced expression of Kif2A and AGAP1. Migration of cells treated with SMARTpool siRNA targeting either Kif2A or AGAP1 was determined using the wound healing assay. Migration was quantified as described under “Materials and Methods.” D and E, effect of reduced AGAP1 or Kif2A expression on cell migration is independent of the specific siRNA. The experiment was conducted as described for Fig. 7C but using several different individual siRNA targeting AGAP1 (D) or Kif2A (E).