S100A9 silencing alleviates GC-induced hepatosteatosis. Lentiviral particles carrying S100A9-shRNA or scrambled control were intravenously injected into ATF3−/− mice, and then mice were injected with Dex or DMSO (Veh). A, knockdown of S100A9 expression in sorted MDSCs was determined by Western blotting. B, proportions of MDSC subsets were determined by flow cytometric analysis; both representative data (left) and mean ± S.E. from 6 mice (right) were included. C, ratio of liver to the body weight and the lipid contents in the serum and liver tissue were measured. Data were presented as mean ± S.E. from six mice. D, representative Oil-Red O and hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining of liver sections. Original magnification, ×200. *, p < 0.05, unpaired t tests were used. SP, spleen; Ctrl, control.