Condensation domains of EntF structures. A, comparison of the downstream PPant tunnel of the condensation domain (Cond) between the MLP-free (green) and YbdZ-bound (orange) EntF proteins. Superimposed is the PCP from AB3403 (Protein Data Bank code 4ZXI; gray) with PPant, represented in stick, included. In all current structures of condensation domains, α1 and α10 are located at the entrance of the tunnel where the downstream PCP sits. This results in the catalytic histidine pointing into the tunnel toward the thiol of the PPant. Electron density around the catalytic histidine with coefficients from 2Fo − Fc contoured at 1.5 σ is shown for AB3403 (B), MLP-free EntF (C), and YbdZ-EntF (D). The pantetheine arm is shown in C and D for reference only. E, this results in a larger opening into the active site tunnel as demonstrated by surface representation of Protein Data Bank structures 4ZXJ (green) and 5JA1 (orange). The pantetheine moiety is again modeled in the tunnel from alignment with AB3403.