Figure 10.
Early onset of the vesicovesical reflex in postnatal NGF-OE mice. (A). Summary representation of the onset of spontaneous voiding as determined from filter paper void assays in NGF-OE mice, littermate WT mice, and Wistar rats of both sexes from various postnatal (P) ages (P0-Adult, A). NGF-OE mice exhibited spontaneous voiding by P5 with all NGF-OE mice exhibiting spontaneous voiding by P7. Littermate WT mice first exhibited spontaneous voiding on P13 with all WT mice exhibiting spontaneous voiding by P14. Wistar rats first exhibited spontaneous voiding by P15 with Wistar rats exhibiting spontaneous voiding by P17. n = 8 for NGF-OE mice, WT mice and Wistar rats. (B) Summary histogram of the number (#) and area of urine spots on filter paper over a 2 h period of time from NGF-OE mice and littermate WT mice of both sexes from various postnatal (P) ages (P3-Adult, A). NGF-OE mice exhibited an early onset of spontaneous voiding with a large number of voids of small area (≤ 0.2 cm2). For NGF-OE mice, the area of urine spots increased during postnatal development but the number of voids of small area were significantly (*p ≤ 0.01) greater than the number of voids of larger area (0.2 – 10 cm2) at all postnatal ages examined. WT mice exhibited spontaneous voiding by P13. In WT mice, the number voids of larger area (0.2 – 10 cm2) were significantly (#p ≤ 0.01) greater at P13–P16 and P24-A with other ages (P18, P21) having equal numbers of small and larger area urine spots. Values are means ± S.E.M. (n = 6–8 for each group).