Figure 3. miR-7-5p downregulates a program of gene expression associated with melanoma, growth and metastasis.
A. Volcano plot representing fold change and significance of altered microarray probes in WM266-4 cells 24 h post-transfection with miR-7-5p or miR-NC precursor molecules (30 nM). B. Cluster analysis of genes downregulated (green) or upregulated (red) following miR-7-5p transfection. C. Signature of putative miR-7-5p target genes that contain a miR-7-5p seed sequence, are downregulated in the microarray and are associated with melanoma and metastasis. FC = Fold change. D. IPA network analysis showing growth- and metastasis-associated functions of putative miR-7-5p target genes in melanoma.