Table 2.
Reference/year | Animal model | IVB | Scaffold | Seed cells | Growth factor |
Spalthoff et al., 2015 | Sheep | Muscular pouch in LDM combined with AVB from thoracodorsal trunk | β-TCP cylinder and MBG | BMA | None |
Tatara et al., 2015 | Sheep | Cambium layer of rib periosteum | Combination of MBG, HA, and β-TCP within a PMMA chamber | None | None |
Zhou et al., 2010, Zhou et al., 2015 | Monkey | Muscular pouch in LDM | DFBA or CHA | None | BMP-2 |
Weigand et al., 2015 | Sheep | AVL between SVs | NanoBone (HA) block | Autologous blood | None |
Wu et al., 2015b | Dog | AVL between SVs or AVB from SVs | β-TCP cylinder | BMSCs | None |
Eweida et al., 2011, Eweida et al., 2012, Eweida et al., 2014 | Goat | AVL between facial vessels | 60% HA combined 40% β-TCP | PRP | BMP-2 |
Liu et al., 2014 | Pig | Muscular pouch in LDM | NBBM or a mixture of NBBM and autogenous bone particles within a titanium cage | None | BMP-7 and VEGF |
Kokemüller et al., 2014 | Sheep | Muscular pouch in LDM combined with AVB from thoracodorsal trunk | β-TCP and unmodified osteogenic material from the iliac crest within a titanium cage | BMA, NCC, or BMSCs | None |
Zhi et al., 2014 | Dog | Abdominal cavities or dorsal muscles | HA | None | None |
Chen et al., 2014 | Dog | Muscular pouch in LDM | DBM | BMSCs or PRP | None |
Tsao et al., 2014 | Dog | Omentum flap wrapped periosteum-free graft | None | None | ADSCs |
Boos et al., 2013 | Sheep | AVL between SVs | β-TCP-HA granules | BMSCs | BMP-2 |
Bigham-Sadegh et al., 2013 | Dog | Omentum flap wrapped periosteum-free graft | None | None | None |
Beier et al., 2011 | Sheep | AVL between greater SVs | PBCB construct | None | None |
Kokemueller et al., 2010 | Sheep | Muscular pouch in LDM combined with AVB from thoracodorsal trunk | β-TCP | BMA | None |
Runyan et al., 2010 | Pig | Periosteal envelope or rectus abdominis muscle with insertion of AVB from SIEVs | Processed allogeneic hemimandible | ADSCs | BMP-2 |
Beier et al., 2010 | Sheep | AVL between SVs | HA and β-TCP | None | None |
ADSC, adipose-derived stem cells; AVB, axial vascular bundle; AVL, arteriovenous loop; BMA, bone marrow aspirate; BMP-2, bone morphogenetic protein 2; BMP-7, bone morphogenetic protein 7; BMSCs, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells; β-TCP, beta-tricalcium phosphate; CHA, coralline hydroxyapatite; DBM, demineralized bone matrix; DFBA, demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft; HA, hydroxyapatite ceramic; LDM: latissimus dorsi muscle; MBG, morcellized bone graft; NCC, nucleated cell concentrate; PBCB, processed bovine cancellous bone; PMMA, poly(methyl methacrylate); PRP, platelet-rich plasma; SIEVs: superficial inferior epigastric vessels; SVs: saphenous vessels; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.