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. 2016 Sep 20;12:43–54. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.09.016

Table 2.

Recent bone graft prefabrication studies in large animal models.

Reference/year Animal model IVB Scaffold Seed cells Growth factor
Spalthoff et al., 2015 Sheep Muscular pouch in LDM combined with AVB from thoracodorsal trunk β-TCP cylinder and MBG BMA None
Tatara et al., 2015 Sheep Cambium layer of rib periosteum Combination of MBG, HA, and β-TCP within a PMMA chamber None None
Zhou et al., 2010, Zhou et al., 2015 Monkey Muscular pouch in LDM DFBA or CHA None BMP-2
Weigand et al., 2015 Sheep AVL between SVs NanoBone (HA) block Autologous blood None
Wu et al., 2015b Dog AVL between SVs or AVB from SVs β-TCP cylinder BMSCs None
Eweida et al., 2011, Eweida et al., 2012, Eweida et al., 2014 Goat AVL between facial vessels 60% HA combined 40% β-TCP PRP BMP-2
Liu et al., 2014 Pig Muscular pouch in LDM NBBM or a mixture of NBBM and autogenous bone particles within a titanium cage None BMP-7 and VEGF
Kokemüller et al., 2014 Sheep Muscular pouch in LDM combined with AVB from thoracodorsal trunk β-TCP and unmodified osteogenic material from the iliac crest within a titanium cage BMA, NCC, or BMSCs None
Zhi et al., 2014 Dog Abdominal cavities or dorsal muscles HA None None
Chen et al., 2014 Dog Muscular pouch in LDM DBM BMSCs or PRP None
Tsao et al., 2014 Dog Omentum flap wrapped periosteum-free graft None None ADSCs
Boos et al., 2013 Sheep AVL between SVs β-TCP-HA granules BMSCs BMP-2
Bigham-Sadegh et al., 2013 Dog Omentum flap wrapped periosteum-free graft None None None
Beier et al., 2011 Sheep AVL between greater SVs PBCB construct None None
Kokemueller et al., 2010 Sheep Muscular pouch in LDM combined with AVB from thoracodorsal trunk β-TCP BMA None
Runyan et al., 2010 Pig Periosteal envelope or rectus abdominis muscle with insertion of AVB from SIEVs Processed allogeneic hemimandible ADSCs BMP-2
Beier et al., 2010 Sheep AVL between SVs HA and β-TCP None None

ADSC, adipose-derived stem cells; AVB, axial vascular bundle; AVL, arteriovenous loop; BMA, bone marrow aspirate; BMP-2, bone morphogenetic protein 2; BMP-7, bone morphogenetic protein 7; BMSCs, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells; β-TCP, beta-tricalcium phosphate; CHA, coralline hydroxyapatite; DBM, demineralized bone matrix; DFBA, demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft; HA, hydroxyapatite ceramic; LDM: latissimus dorsi muscle; MBG, morcellized bone graft; NCC, nucleated cell concentrate; PBCB, processed bovine cancellous bone; PMMA, poly(methyl methacrylate); PRP, platelet-rich plasma; SIEVs: superficial inferior epigastric vessels; SVs: saphenous vessels; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.