Figure 2.
Foot trajectory and vertical hip displacement characteristics. (A), Correlation coefficient (mean + SD) between vertical foot displacements (5MTy, swing phase) in children with CP and TD toddlers and ensemble average in older TD children. (B–D) Averaged across all strides individual foot trajectories (5MTy, ordered according to age from top to bottom) for children with hemiplegia (more affected and least affected sides), diplegia (right and left sides) and TD (right and left sides) children. TD children were divided into two subgroups: 7 toddlers aged 1–1.2 years and 26 older children aged 2.1–11.8 years. The lower curves in B-D illustrate ensemble-averaged (across subjects, ± SD) foot movements. 5MTy is expressed in relative units (normalized by the limb length L). (E) Vertical hip (GTy, averaged for right and left legs) displacements averaged across subjects (mean ± SD, left panel) and correlation coefficients between GTy data in children with CP and TD toddlers and corresponding ensemble averaged GTy in older TD children (right panel). Horizontal lines denote significant differences with older TD children.