Provide slip resistant flooring
Design work/activity systems to avoid presence of fall risks (attention to environments, equipment, layouts, tasks and people)
Cover outside walkways to keep off rain, snow, ice, leaves
Design walkways to exclude trip hazards
Plan pedestrian routes to allow sufficient space between individuals
Separate pedestrians from moving machinery and vehicles
Provide sufficient, convenient space for storage
Avoid need for walking/standing on surfaces that move unpredictably
Install adequate lighting
Design and select environment features to facilitate cleaning and maintenance
Design and select environment features for durability and resistance to damage
Provide education and awareness raising of fall risks and fall consequences
Perform fall risk assessments and implement controls
Organise sustainable housekeeping procedures for inspection, cleaning and maintenance
Manage fall risks introduced during installation, cleaning and maintenance
Provide warning signs for slip hazards
Mark trip hazards
Encourage use of lighting
Discourage carrying of awkward, heavy loads
Avoid creating circumstances that encourage rushing
Implement risk management protocols for inclement weather
Implement risk management protocols for individuals at increased risk of falling
Encourage use of suitable footwear
Encourage use of suitable clothing, including personal protective equipment (PPE)
Encourage eye tests and appropriate use of spectacles
Encourage exercise for strength, coordination and balance
Adopt occupational health protocols to minimise fall risk from prescribed medication
Consider fall risk arising from shiftworking