Figure 1. Sketch of the DNA sequences and of their aggregation state.
(a) Very high T behaviour, where the four strands composing the A particle and the sequences defining the B particles are all not hybridized. (b) High T behaviour, where the four strands have now hybridized to form the NSs, while the sequences defining the B particles have not yet hybridized. (c) Intermediate T behaviour, where distinct NSs bind via the sticky sequences to form a gel, while the sequences defining the B particles have not yet hybridized. (d) Low T behaviour, where the B particles have displaced the AA bonds originating free-floating AB4 clusters. (e) Sequences composing the sticky ends. The self-complementary eight-base sequence that provides the AA bond (magenta) and the two unpaired three-base-long toehold sequences (brown) are noteworthy. (f) Sequence arrangement in the presence of an AA bond (8 base pairs in total). (g) Sequence arrangement in the presence of a full AB bond (12 base pairs in total).