Fig. 5.
Overlay histogram plots from the raw (non-normalized) data of TMB3713 (HXT2p) and TMB3714 (HXT4p). Graphs show the distribution of the Fluorescence Intensity per registered event in the sample at each of the four time points (0, 3, 6 and 9 h). The Gaussian distribution seen at time 0 h for all strains signified homogenous populations, whereas deviations from the normal distribution implied population heterogeneities. The strains were cultivated in xylose 25 and 50 g/L and YNB-KHPthalate medium without any carbon source. It evident from a and b that two subpopulations appear from 3 h and forward, and that this is not the case in the negative control (YNB only). The left subpopulations are equivalent to the cellular autofluorescence (cf. c), whereas the right subpopulations are clearly induced