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. 2016 Sep 23;5(9):e003887. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.116.003887

Table 8.

Ventricular and Arterial Properties in Fontan Patients According to Beta‐Blocker Therapy

Any Beta‐Blocker (n=25) No Beta‐Blocker (n=145) P Value
Sex, female n (%) 11 (44) 64 (44) 0.98
Age, y 27.9±9.0 26.0±7.8 0.27
Body surface area, m2 1.75±0.23 1.75±0.21 0.99
Time post‐Fontan, y 14.6±7.3 12.0±7.8 0.12
Single right ventricle, n (%) 10 (40) 47 (32) 0.46
Stable clinical status, n (%) 17 (68) 113 (78) 0.51
Heart rate, beat/min 71±15 75±15 0.25
Vascular properties
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 100±13 111±15 0.0003
Pulse pressure, mm Hg 38±12 44±12 0.021
Aortic compliance, mL/mm Hg 2.56±1.13 1.95±0.85 0.0024
SVRI, dyne·s·cm−5·m2 1794±495 2189±823 0.022
Effective arterial elastance (Ea), mm Hg/mL 1.10±0.35 1.40±0.56 0.010
Ventricular geometry
Ventricular end‐diastolic volume index, mL/m2 99±22 96±36 0.61
Ventricular mass index, g/m2 83±30 93±33 0.19
Systolic function, VA coupling and efficiency
Ejection fraction, % 51±8 50±10 0.48
Stroke volume index, mL/m2 51±13 46±15 0.13
Cardiac index, L/min per m2 3.54±0.91 3.32±1.03 0.31
End‐systolic elastance (Ees), mm Hg/mL 1.22±0.49 1.42±0.70 0.18
VA coupling ratio (Ees/Ea) 1.15±0.39 1.03±0.34 0.12
PRSW, erg·cm−3·103 73±14 71±18 0.67
Peak power index, mm Hg/s 227±82 328±94 0.008
Energetic efficiency, % 20.7±2.6 19.7±2.5 0.061
Diastolic function
DWS 0.27±0.12 0.27±0.11 0.89

DWS indicates diastolic wall strain; PRSW, preload recruitable stroke work; SVRI, systemic vascular resistance index; VA coupling, ventricular‐arterial coupling.