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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2016 Jun 9;45(4):465–480. doi: 10.1016/j.jogn.2016.06.003

Table 3.

Design/Intervention, Childbirth Self-Efficacy Outcomes by phase of Childbearing Cycle: Antepartum, Intrapartum, and Postpartum

First author Design / Intervention Antepartum Outcomes Intrapartum Outcomes Postpartum Outcomes
Schwartz 2015 Secondary analysis; cross-sectional, descriptive self-efficacy higher among multiparous women
Byrne 2014 Single arm pilot; Repeated measures/Mindfulness-Based Childbirth Education 1
Larsen 2012 Quasi experimental/Childbirth education 1
Hui Choi 2012 Cross-sectional, descriptive 2 (increased psychosocial adaptation to pregnancy)
Goutoudier 2012 Prospective longitudinal 4 (self-efficacy measured 2–3 days postpartum did not predict PTSD at 6 weeks postpartum)
Rhamipavar 2012 RCT / Childbirth educational software 1
Gau 2011 RCT / Antepartum birth ball antepartum exercise classes; Intrapartum encouragement to use birth ball 1 1
2 (lower active labor pain scores)
Kennedy 2011 RCT / Centering Pregnancy group prenatal care 3
Sun 2011 Quasi-experimental / Prenatal yoga 2 (decreased end of pregnancy discomforts) 1 (increased childbirth self-efficacy in active first and second stage labor)
Svensson 2009 RCT / Childbirth education 1 2 (increased parenting self-efficacy and knowledge)
Ip 2009 RCT / Childbirth education 2 (lower active labor pain and suffering)
4 (did not predict pain of transition)
Berentson-Shaw 2009 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (lower active labor suffering and higher satisfaction with birth)
Williams 2008 Longitudinal descriptive 4 (not associated with women’s intentions to use pain medication)
Christiaens 2007 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (higher satisfaction with self, midwife, and physician related aspects of birth)
Beebe 2007 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (decreased anxiety) 4 (not associated with early labor pain scores)
Seiber 2006 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (not associated with stronger identification with motherhood role)
Soet 2003 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (decreased symptoms post-traumatic stress disorder)
Larsen 2001 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (lower active labor pain and suffering)
4 (did not predict transition pain)
Stockman 2001 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (lower latent and active labor pain and suffering)
4 (not associated with length of labor or rates of anesthesia use)
Slade 2000 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (greater intention to avoid labor pain medication)
Lowe 2000 Descriptive cross-sectional 2 (decreased fear of labor)
Dilks 1997 Descriptive cross-sectional 2 (greater VBAC intention)
Manning 1983 Longitudinal descriptive 2 (greater capacity to cope with active labor and less suffering in active labor)

Note. 1 = evidence that intervention significantly increased childbirth self-efficacy scores; 2 = evidence that increased prenatal childbirth self-efficacy scores significantly associated with improved outcomes; 3 = no evidence that intervention increased childbirth self-efficacy scores; 4 = no evidence that increased prenatal childbirth self-efficacy scores associated with improved outcomes; PTSD = post traumatic stress disorder; RCT = randomized controlled trial; VBAC = vaginal birth after cesarean.