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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Oct 25.
Published in final edited form as: Chronobiol Int. 2015 Dec 10;33(1):10–21. doi: 10.3109/07420528.2015.1107729

Table 2.

Prevalence of morningness–eveningness categories for participant sociodemographic and cardiometabolic characteristics.

Total sample Morning N = 119 110 (27.1%)
Intermediate type
Evening N = 39 557 (9.0%)
More morning than evening N = 156 149 (35.5%)
More evening than morning N = 125 117 (28.4%)
n (XX, xx) n (XX, xx) n (XX, xx) n (XX, xx)
Sociodemographic characteristics
 <50 23 060 (19.4, 5.2) 34 443 (22.1, 7.8) 33 568 (26.8, 7.6) 11 878 (30.0, 2.7)
 50–69 95 427 (80.1, 21.7) 120 939 (77.5, 27.5) 90 980 (72.7, 20.7) 27 504 (69.5, 6.3)
 ≥70 623 (0.5, 0.1) 767 (0.5, 0.2) 569 (0.5, 0.1) 175 (0.4, 0.04)
 Female 67 296 (56.5, 15.3) 87 647 (56.1, 19.9) 69 035 (55.2, 15.7) 21 101 (53.3, 4.8)
 Male 51 814 (43.5, 11.8) 68 502 (43.9, 15.6) 56 082 (44.8, 12.6) 18 456 (46.7, 4.2)
Ethnic group
 Mixed/other 1946 (1.6, 0.4) 1783 (1.2, 0.4) 1816 (1.5, 0.4) 753 (1.9, 0.2)
 Asian 3564 (3.0, 0.8) 2763 (1.8, 0.6) 2385 (1.9, 0.5) 885 (2.3, 0.2)
 Black 2287 (1.9, 0.5) 1872 (1.2, 0.4) 1779 (1.4, 0.4) 663 (1.7, 0.2)
 White 110 941 (93.4, 25.3) 142 292 (95.9, 34.0) 118 798 (95.2, 27.1) 37 075 (94.2, 8.5)
 Unemployed 9227 (7.8, 2.1) 10 931 (7.1, 2.5) 11 092 (8.9, 2.5) 4579 (11.7, 1.1)
 Retired 42 586 (36.1, 9.8) 54 154 (34.9, 12.4) 38 815 (31.3, 8.9) 10 976 (28.0, 2.5)
 Employed 66 161 (56.1, 15.2) 89 889 (58.0, 20.6) 74 201 (59.8, 17.0) 23 584 (60.3, 5.4)
Attended college
 Yes 35 203 (38.2, 9.7) 51 653 (39.6, 14.3) 40 508 (38.6, 11.2) 15 591 (45.4, 4.3)
 No 56 956 (61.8, 15.7) 78 733 (60.4, 21.8) 64 385 (61.4, 17.8) 18 741 (54.6, 5.2)
Shift work
 Yes 11 499 (9.8, 2.6) 13 563 (8.8, 3.1) 13 200 (10.7, 3.0) 4811 (12.3, 1.1)
 No 106 288 (90.2, 24.4) 141 277 (91.2, 32.4) 110 762 (89.4, 25.4) 34 270 (87.7, 7.9)
Night-shift work
 Yes 5430 (4.6, 1.3) 6363 (4.1, 1.5) 6963 (5.6, 1.6) 2939 (7.5, 0.7)
 No 112 440 (95.4, 25.8) 148 545 (95.9, 34.1) 117 086 (94.4, 26.9) 36 170 (92.5, 8.3)
Sleep behavior characteristics
Sleep duration ^^
 <5 h 1647 (1.4, 0.4) 1295 (0.8, 0.3) 1113 (0.9, 0.3) 636 (1.6, 0.1)
 6–7 h 32 023 (26.9, 7.3) 33 845 (21.7, 7.7) 26 884 (21.5, 6.1) 10 683 (27.0, 2.4)
 7–8 h 77 126 (64.8, 17.5) 109 841 (70.3, 25.0) 86 596 (69.2, 19.7) 24 351 (61.6, 5.5)
 >9 h 8314 (7.0, 1.9) 11 168 (7.2, 2.5) 10 524 (8.4, 2.4) 3887 (9.8, 0.9)
Ease of getting up in the morning
 Not at all easy 1217 (1.0, 0.3) 2159 (1.4, 0.5) 6 941 (5.5, 1.6) 6971 (17.7, 1.6)
 Not very easy 3781 (3.2, 0.9) 13 304 (8.5, 3.0) 30 945 (24.8, 7.0) 14 574 (36.9, 3.3)
 Fairly easy 43 569 (36.6, 9.9) 89 258 (57.2, 20.3) 70 285 (56.2, 16.0) 14 399 (36.5, 3.3)
 Very easy 70 477 (59.2, 16.0) 51 367 (32.9, 11.7) 16 831 (13.5, 3.8) 3506 (8.9, 0.8)
Cardiometabolic characteristics
Body mass index^^^
 <18.5 653 (0.6, 0.2) 810 (0.5, 0.2) 620 (0.5, 0.1) 222 (0.6, 0.1)
 18.5–24.9 37 609 (31.6, 8.6) 53 667 (34.4, 12.2) 40 346 (32.3, 9.2) 11 819 (29.9, 2.7)
 25.0–29.9 50 240 (42.2, 11.4) 66 458 (42.6, 15.1) 53 623 (42.9, 12.2) 16 245 (41.1, 3.7)
 ≥30 30 608 (25.7, 7.0) 35 214 (22.6, 8.0) 30 528 (24.4, 6.9) 11 271 (28.5, 2.6)
Health problems
 Heart attack 2863 (2.4, 0.7) 3353 (2.2, 0.8) 2715 (2.2, 0.6) 961 (2.4, 0.2)
 Angina 4098 (3.4, 0.9) 4704 (3.0, 1.1) 3796 (3.0, 0.9) 1298 (3.3, 0.3)
 Stroke 1979 (1.7, 0.5) 2068 (1.3, 0.5) 1813 (1.5, 0.4) 665 (1.7, 0.2)
 Hypertension 34 139 (28.7, 7.8) 41 332 (26.5, 9.4) 32 762 (26.2, 7.5) 10 570 (26.7, 2.4)
 Diabetes 6375 (5.4, 1.5) 6801 (4.4, 1.6) 6078 (4.9, 1.4) 2456 (6.2, 0.6)
Sleep problems
 Sleeplessness/ insomnia 34 280 (28.8, 7.8) 42 611 (27.3, 9.7) 34 409 (27.5, 7.8) 12 569 (31.8, 2.9)
 Daytime dozing / narcolepsy 3816 (3.2, 0.9) 3567 (2.3, 0.8) 3160 (2.5, 0.7) 1558 (4.0, 0.4)

Note: n: count, XX: column percent, xx: overall percent, h: hours, CI: confidence interval,


Mean age (sd): morning 57.4 (7.8), more morning than evening 56.8 (8.0), more evening than morning 55.8 (8.3), evening 55.1 (8.3),


Mean sleep duration (h): morning 7.1 (1.1), more morning than evening 7.1 (1.0), more evening than morning 7.2 (1.1), evening 7.1 (1.2),


Mean body mass index (sd): morning 27.6 (4.9), more morning than evening 27.2 (4.6), more evening than morning 27.5 (4.8), evening 28.0 (5.2).