Banana cultivation is one of the major land uses in Asia and Africa not only for nutritional requirement but also a key household source of income for marginal farmers. The banana genome sequence, comprising a high-resolution map of genes, repetitive elements and variation (single-nucleotide polymorphisms, INDELs) will be leveraged by researchers/breeders to construct high-density, well-placed marker sets. Further, marker-assisted selection will allow breeders to sort through thousands of recombinants to select plant type that contain only the beneficial gene(s) and remove linkage drag. (a) A commercial banana plantation in northwest India. (b) Single bunch of banana is handpicked and carefully washed to minimize the bruises and marketable loss to the fingers. (c) Harvest-mature looms are transported for ripening to nearby banana industry depicting intricate association of livelihood for farmers, traders, distributors, and industry. (d) Origin and distribution of bananas representing primary center of origin () that geographically overlaps from northeast India, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh to other Polynesian regions and secondary center of diversity
covering peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia. (e) A banana plantation devastated by Panama wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum sp. cubense race 4. (f) Typical leaf-spot symptoms of black sigatoka disease in young leaves of banana caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis. Source: (d–f) from Google (