Table 1. Examples of integration rules.
Environmental factor | DEB fluxes impacted | Relationship | Reference |
Predation | Indirect effect: assimilation and/or reproduction | Indirect effect: likely to be reduction of assimilation and/or direct effect on reproduction triggered by predator cues | Based on16,51,52,53 |
Parasitism | Variable | Highly dependent on the parasite and the species | Based on18,54 |
Resources competition | Assimilation | Decrease of the assimilation fluxes (likely to be due to a reduction of the resources availability) | |
Temperature | All rates (, , , , , ) | (2) All rates should depend on temperature in the same way in the standard DEB model | 48 |
Food availability | (ingestion rate) | with (3) | 48 |
(assimilation rate) | with (4) | 48 | |
Oxygen deficit | All rates | Could be accounted for as a specific substrate with its own sets of parameters (which can be partly identical to the parameters of the other substrates) | |
Toxic compound | Depending on the pMoA* | Impact on energetic fluxes depending on pMoA | 41 |
Other ecological stress | Variable | Depends on the behaviour modification |
Illustrations of the possible impacts of environmental parameters on the energy fluxes of the Dynamic Energy Budget theory.
*Five physiological modes of action (pMoA) are commonly described in the DEB literature, namely a decrease of the assimilation of energy from food, an increase of the maintenance costs, an increase of the cost to create an unit of structure (cost for growth), an increase of the cost for creating an egg, or an hazard during the oogenesis process41. With the specific searching rate, the maturity maintenance rate coefficient, the surface-area-specific maximum assimilation rate, the specific volume-linked somatic maintenance rate, the specific surface-area-linked somatic maintenance rate, the surface specific maximum ingestion rate, the structural length of the individual, the energy conductance, the food density, K the half-saturation coefficient, the initial value of the parameter, T the actual temperature, Tref the reference temperature, and TA the Arrhenius temperature.