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. 2016 Jul 11;31(9):1193–1205. doi: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1205202

Table 1. Example stimuli.

COND Example sentence Mean CP (SD)
High-Cor Der Torhüter behauptet, dass der rutschige Ball einfach zu fangen war.
The goalkeeper claims, that the slick ball easy to catch was.
“The goalkeeper claims that the slick ball was easy to catch”.
79.3% (11.4)
High-Inc Der Torhüter behauptet, dass der rutschige Ball einfach zu *fängst war.
The goalkeeper claims, that the slick ball easy to *catches was.
“The goalkeeper claims that the slick ball was easy to *catches”.
Low-Cor Die Kinder prahlten, dass das junge Pferd einfach zu satteln war.
The children boasted, that the young horse easy to saddle was.
“The children boasted that the young horse was easy to saddle”.
2.5% (0.0)
Low-Inc Die Kinder prahlten, dass das junge Pferd einfach zu *sattelst war.
The children boasted, that the young horse easy to *saddles was.
“The children boasted that the young horse was easy to *saddles”.

Cor, correct; CP, cloze probability; Inc, incorrect.

Notes: Example sentence for all conditions in German, literal English, and analogous English translations, with mean cloze-values (standard deviations in brackets). Critical words are underlined.