Figure 3.
(A) Single trial’s calibration curves generated using each of the four methods of application with the error bars representing the standard deviation of eight microspots for each calibration solution. (B) Graph displaying the results from the tissues dosed in vitro with the error bars representing the standard deviation of at least three trials for MALDI MS/MS and at least five trials for HPLC-MS/MS. (C) Following an ANOVA, a posthoc Tukey test for differences was performed for each method on both tissues, yielding statistically significant differences from HPLC-MS/MS for MALDI premixed (tissue 2), MALDI sandwich (tissue 1), and MALDI under (tissues 1 and 2) standard application methods at the 0.05 level. No statistically significant differences from HPLC-MS/MS were detected for the MALDI analysis of either tissue when depositing the standards on the tissues followed by matrix application.