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. 2016 Aug 22;17(11):1230–1238. doi: 10.1093/ehjci/jew163

Table 1.

Investigations of genetic damage using clinically relevant scanners or pulse sequences

Schreiber et al.17 Schwenzer et al.18 Simi et al.9 Lee et al.19 Yildiz et al.20 Fiechter et al.8 Szerencsi et al.21 Lancellotti et al.7 Brand et al.22 Reddig et al.23
Assay Mutation (Ames test) DSB (γH2AX: FC and foci) MN CA, MN, and SSB (alkaline comet) SSB (alkaline comet) DSB (γH2AX: FC and foci) SSB (alkaline comet); MN DSB (γH2AX: FC) DSB (γH2AX: foci) DSB (γH2AX: FC and foci)
Study In vitro In vitro In vitro and in vivo In vitro In vivo In vivo In vitro In vivo In vivo In vitro
Flux 1.5 T and 7.2 T 3 T 1.5 T 3 T 1.5 T 1.5 T 3 T 1.5 T 1.5 T 7 T
Scan protocol Static only; static (1.5 T) + time-varying bipolar GMF; static (1.5 T) + pulsed RF Static only; Static + turbo spin-echo (TSE); Static + gradient-echo (GE) Cardiac Brain: range of pulse sequences Hypophysial Cardiac Brain: range of pulse sequences Cardiac: range of pulse sequences Cardiac: range of pulse sequences Static only; Static with varying GMF and pulsed RF
Scan duration 1.5 sT: 1 h and 24 h
7.2 T: 1 h
TSE: 2 min 20s or 2 h In vitro: 686, 1186, 1618, 2188s 22, 45, 67, 89 min ∼16 min 68 ± 22 min 22, 45, 67, 89 min 35–40 min 30–60 min 1 h
Contrast agent No contrast agent With and without gadolinium Gadolinium No contrast agent Gadolinium
Cells Salmonella typhimurium bacteria Human cancer cells (HL-60 and KG-1a) Human blood lymphocytes Human blood lymphocytes Human blood lymphocytes Human blood lymphocytes Human blood lymphocytes Human blood (T lymphocytes and NK cells) Human blood lymphocytes Human blood lymphocytes
Expts/Donors ≥2 expts In vitro: 8 healthy donors
In vivo: 8 patients and volunteers
Single healthy donor 28 patients 20 patients 2 healthy donors/3 repeats 20 healthy donors 45 patients 16 healthy donors
Temp 1.5 T: 32–37°C
7.2 T: 37°C
37°C In vitro: Room temp
In vivo: body temp
25°C Body temp Body temp 20°C Body temp Body temp
Assay time points Colonies counted after 48 h 0, 1, and 24 h post imaging PHA stimulation: In vitro at 0 h and 24 h post scan;
In vivo at 0, 24, 72, 96, 120 h post scan
PHA stimulation prior to exposure.
SSB: 0 h post exposure
MN: 0 h
CA: 0 h
0 h post non-contrast scan;
0 h post subsequent contrast-enhanced scan
0 h post imaging SSB: 0 h post exposure;
MN: 0 h PHA stimulation (following 20 min transport)
1 h, 2 h, 2 days, 1 month and 1 year post imaging 5 min post imaging 0, 1, 20 h post imaging
Positive control Chemical mutagens 4 Gy 6MV x-rays SSB: cisplatin
MN, CA: bleomycin
4 Gy γ-ray 120 kV CT scan and 0.2 Gy γ-rays
Results No mutagenic or co-mutagenic effect observed No significant increase observed In vitro: Significant increase at 0 h, frequency increasing with exposure time. Reduced after 24 h (2 highest exposures still significant)
In vivo: Significant increase after 0 h and 24 h but not later times
SSB, MN, CA: significant increase with increasing exposure times of 45 min and above No significant increase after non-contrast-enhanced MRI;
Significant increase following subsequent contrast-enhanced MRI
DSB (FC, foci): Significant increase observed SSB, MN: No significant increase observed T lymphocytes: 1 h, 2 h, 1year—no significant effect; 2 days, 1 month—significant increase;
NK cells: a slight increase was observed at 2 h and day 2
No significant increase observed No significant increase observed

SSB, assessed using the alkaline comet assay; DSB, assessed using γH2AX measured using either flow cytometry (FC) or immunofluorescent microscopy and counting resultant foci (foci); MN assay, following stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), cells incubated for 72 h, with cytochalasin-B added after 44 h; CA assay, following stimulation with PHA, cells incubated for 48 h, with colcemid added after 45 h.