Extended Data Figure 10. Behavioral and ALM dynamics after Corpus Callossum (CC) hemisection.
a. Schematic. CC was bisected while sparing the pyramidal tract (PT) and corticothalamic (CT) projections.
b. Behavioral performance. Bar, mean across all mice (n=7). Symbols, individual mice (mean ± s.e.m, bootstrap). Performance was not affected by the CC bisection. 1st session was ~ 17 hours after the CC bisection.
c. Location of the CC cut superimposed on axonal projections from ALM. AAV2/1-CAG-EGFP was injected into ALM. A vertical cut ~3.5 mm deep was made approximately 0.5 mm from the mid-line. The cut extended from bregma anterior 1.5 mm to posterior 1 mm. The cut was either made in the left hemisphere (3 mice) or the right hemisphere (4 mice). The cut spared the PT and CT axons.
d. Coronal section showing the CC bisection in 6 mice. Left column, autofluoresence; right column, GFAP immunofluorescence (Methods).
e. ALM shows normal preparatory activity after the CC bisection. ALM population selectivity. Selectivity is the difference in spike rate between the preferred and non-preferred trial type, normalized to the peak selectivity (Methods). Only putative pyramidal neurons with significant trial selectivity are shown (n=254/496). In addition, 11/254 neurons tested for <15 trials for each trial type were excluded.
f. Average population selectivity in spike rate (black line, ± s.e.m. across neurons, bootstrap).
g. Proportion of contra-preferring vs. ipsi-preferring neurons. Error bars, s.e.m. across mice, bootstrap.