Extended Data Figure 3. Unilateral photoinhibition of ALM immediately before movement causes ipsilateral bias.
a. Unilateral photoinhibition of ALM during different task epochs. Sample epoch, 1.3s; delay epoch, 1.3s. Photoinhibition, 0.5 s (0.4s and 0.1s ramp, Methods).
b. Performance with 0.5s photoinhibition of left or right ALM during different trial epochs. Performance was plotted as a function of time interval between photoinhibition offset (the end of ramp offset) and the onset of ‘go’ cue (Trecovery). Performance was not significantly affected for Trecovery>0.3s. Thick lines, mean; thin lines, individual mice (n = 5). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p < 0.001, two-tailed t-test.
c. Unilateral photoinhibition of ALM during different task epochs. Sample epoch, 1.3s; delay epoch, variable duration, 1.2s – 1.7s in 0.1s increments. Trials with different delay epoch durations were randomly interleaved. Photoinhibition was for 1.3s (1.2s and 0.1s ramp, Methods), resulting in different Trecovery.
d. Performance with 1.3s photoinhibition. Plot is similar to (b). Performance was not significantly affected for Trecovery > 0.3s.
e. Photoinhibition (0.5 s) immediately before the ‘go’ cue is similar to the behavioral effect caused by photoinhibition during the entire delay epoch (1.3 s). Photoinhibition data at Trecovery=0 from (b) and (d) was re-plotted.