Fig. S4.
Determine the safe dose for TPZ, in combination with transient L-HAL, in the mouse model with cirrhotic livers induced by CCl4. (A) The cirrhotic livers in C57/B6 male mice induced by repeated CCl4 injection were confirmed by the elevation of serum TIMP-1. The mice were then treated with saline (control) or with 3 and 20 mg/kg TPZ through tail vein injection, in combination with transient L-HAL. The body weights (B), total bilirubin (C), and ALT levels (D) in serum of these mice were determined. (E) The liver tissues collected at the end of 7 d follow were collected from the three groups of mice for the H&E (Left) and Sirius Red staining (Right). (F) The left liver lobe treated with 20 mg/kg of TPZ in combination with L-HAL and L-PVL was served as the positive control for H&E staining with severe necrosis. (G) The male mice treated with corn oil (without CCl4) were served as negative control for the Sirius Red staining. Data are representative of each independent group. (Scale bars: black, 0.2 mm; red, 1 cm.)