TTR stabilization by resveratrol (A) Western blot of human recombinant TTR showed increased TTR stability upon incubation with iododiflunisal, resveratrol and diflunisal. After urea denaturation, the analysis was performed either under semidenaturing conditions, revealing decreased monomeric TTR (A1), or after cross-linking of the generated species, showing increased folded TTR (tetramer, trimer and dimer) (A2), compared with the control. (B) Native gel electrophoresis of human plasma, incubated with 125I-T4 and competitor, showing that iododiflunisal, diflunisal and resveratrol compete with T4 for its binding site. (C) Native gel electrophoresis of control and resveratrol-treated mice plasma, incubated with 125I-T4, showing that resveratrol at its plasma concentration was not bound to TTR at the T4 binding site. TBG: thyroxine-binding globulin.