Figure 2.
αCD22 Ab-MXD3 ASO conjugate has cytotoxicity in normal B cells, but not in HSCs. (A) Normal B cells express low levels of MXD3 and treatment with the αCD22 Ab-MXD3 ASO conjugate showed knockdown. Images were acquired at 40× magnification/1.4 numerical aperture at room temperature using a Nikon Ti-U inverted microscope and NIS-Elements BR software. Scale bar indicates 50 μm. Free αCD22 Ab (azide-conjugated) + free MXD3 ASO also showed low levels of non-specific knockdown. The images shown are from one representative experiment out of three experiments. (B) MXD3 protein knockdown quantified using MFI. Each bar represents the average MFI of all measured cells per treatment type from three independent experiments. (C) Accelerated cell death in B cells treated with the αCD22 Ab-MXD3 ASO conjugate. Data points indicate mean values of independent cell counts in triplicate from three independent experiments in triplicate. Data as mean ± SEM (n = 9). The MXD3 αCD22 Ab-ASO conjugate versus free αCD22 Ab (azide-conjugated) + free MXD3 ASO (***p < 0.001).