Figure 2.
Excited state of the A‐site RNA probed by 1H relaxation dispersion NMR. a) The 27 nt A‐site RNA mimic switches between two alternate secondary structures. R1ρ RD experiments conducted earlier gave an exchange rate of 4 kHz and an excited state population of 2.5 %.3a The 13C and/or 2H modified residues are highlighted in orange. b) 1H‐13C‐HSQC spectrum of site‐specifically isotope modified A‐site RNA. The spectrum is in accordance with earlier published data. c) Selected non‐flat 1H relaxation dispersion profiles of residues C7, A10, A93, G94 and U95 acquired at 600 MHz resonance frequency and 12 °C. The black open circles represent the experimental data, the red line the best fit. A global fit gave an exchange rate of 1880±140 s−1 and an excited state population of 4.06±1.28 % at 12 °C, which is in good agreement with the R1ρ dispersion data obtained at room temperature.