Figure 3. mtHEPOR fetuses have more embryonic globin transcripts than other two genotypes.
A. Peripheral blood (PB) was obtained from carotid arteries of fetuses at indicated time-points and total RNA was extracted using manufacture’s protocol. Embryonic and adult globin transcripts were analyzed by realtime PCR using SYBR green dye with primer sets as described in the Methods section. M, wtH, mtH denote mEpoR, wtHEPOR, and mtHEPOR genotype, respectively. B. PB was obtained and stained by DRAQ5 dye. Nucleated and enucleated cells in PB were analyzed by FACS. Average numbers were calculated from multiple embryos (at least 10 for each genotype). M, wtH, mtH denote mEpoR, wtHEPOR, and mtHEPOR genotype, respectively.