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. 2016 Feb 29;15(6):1773–1790. doi: 10.1074/mcp.O115.057638

Table II. Overview of recent N-glycoproteomics studies. Important experimental aspects and findings are summarized. N/A, information/data not provided.

Biological sample Main finding(s) LC-MS/MS equipment Fragmen-tation (acq. style) Type of glycoproteomics analysis (method) Comments Unique N-glycopeptides/sites/proteins Reference
Human serum (healthy, pancreatitis and pancreas cancer) Regulation of sialylated subset of the N-glyco-proteome in pancreatitis and pancreas cancer Synapt G2 HDMS Q-TOF Beam-type CID (N/A) Qualitative (GlycopeptideID) and quantitative (label-free XIC, int. standard) Protein concentrations measured separately 62/27/17 Kontro et al., 2014 (104)
Human embryonic kidney (HEK293T cells) In-depth N-glycoproteome analysis of the widely used HEK293T cells LTQ-Orbitrap Velos HCD (DDA) Qualitative (manual) De-N-glycoproteome also profiled 177/82/N/A Chen et al., 2014 (94)
Human serum Site-specific analysis of serum N-glycoproteome LTQ-OrbitrapXL Ion trap CID and HCD (DDA) Qualitative (GRIP) and quantitative (label-free spectral count) De-N-glycoproteome also profiled + serum N-glycome database generated 183/37/24 Liu et al., 2014 (159)
Cynomolgus monkey plasma In-depth site-specific analysis of monkey plasma N-glycoproteome QSTAR XL, TripleTOF 5600 Q-TOF Beam-type CID (DIA) Qualitative (Byonic/manual) Proteome database generated 705/254/130 Zhao et al., 2014 (135)
Human cystic fibrosis sputum Discovery of unconventi-onal class of human N-gly-coproteins (paucimannose, Man1–3Fuc0–1-GlcNAc2) Orbitrap-Elite Ion trap CID, HCD and ETD (DDA) Qualitative (Byonic) and quantitative (label-free XIC) N-glycome and proteome also profiled 115/36/30 Thaysen-Andersen et al., 2015 (21)
Human cerebrospinal fluid “Brain-type” N-glycoproteome signature of CSF Maxis UHR Q-TOF Beam-type CID (DDA) Qualitative (GlycoQuest in ProteinScape) N-glycome, proteome and de-N-glycoproteome also profiled 124/55/36 Goyallon et al., 2015 (162)
Human urinary exosomes First site-specific analysis of the urinary exosome N-glycoproteome Synapt G2 HDMS Q-TOF Beam-type CID (N/A) Qualitative (GlycopeptideID) N-glycome also profiled 126/51/37 Saraswat et al., 2015 (88)
Human fetal lung fibroblast (TIG-1–20 cells) In-depth site-specific analysis of the fibroblast membrane N-glycoproteome (comparison to serum) LTQ-FT Ion trap CID (DDA) Qualitative (manual) and quantitative (label-free XIC) De-N-glycoproteome also profiled 272/63/44 Takakura et al., 2015 (103)
Mouse heart tissue (WT vs transverse aortic constriction) Regulation of the N-glycoproteome in response to transverse aortic constriction Orbitrap Q-Exactive HCD (DDA) Qualitative (Proteome Discoverer, GPQuest) and quantitative (iTRAQ) N-glycome, proteome and de-N-glycoproteome also profiled 291/N/A/195 Yang et al., 2015 (108)
Mouse liver Tissue-specific N-glycoproteome signature from mouse liver relative to mouse brain LTQ-Orbitrap Velos HCD and ETD (DDA) Qualitative (Protein Prospector) Data compared qualitatively to mouse brain N- and O-glycoproteome 534/168/106 Medzihradszky et al., 2015 (13)
Mouse kidney (WT and FUT9 knock out) Lewis X regulation of N-glycoproteome in FUT9 knock-out mice LTQ-Orbitrap HCD (DDA) Qualitative (in-house program) N-glycome and de-N-glycoproteome profiled, glycopeptides desialy-lated prior to profiling 591/70/48 Noro et al., 2015 (107)
Human prostate cancer cell cultures (LNCaP and PC3 cells) Androgen-dependent N-glycosylation signatures in prostate cancer Orbitrap Q-Exactive HCD (DDA) Qualitative (Byonic and GPQuest) and quantitative (iTRAQ) Proteome and de-N-glycoproteome also profiled 1145/N/A/227 Shah et al., 2015 (46)
Mouse adipocyte cultures (WT and insulin resistant (IR) 3T3-L1 cells) IR-induced N-glyco-proteome regulation (galactose and sialylation switching) Orbitrap-Fusion Ion trap CID, HCD, EThcD (DDA) Qualitative (Byonic) and quantitative (SILAC) N-glycome, proteome and de-N-glycoproteome also profiled 1580/332/154 Parker et al., 2016 (105)
Human seminal plasma First deeper investigation of the N-glycoproteome of human seminal plasma Synapt G2 HDMS Q-TOF Beam-type CID (DDA) Qualitative (GlycopeptideID) N/A 243/73/50 Saraswat et al., 2016 (87)