Table 2.
Ungless et al., 2004 | Rat | VTA | Electrophysiology | Foot pinch (15 sec) |
Dopamine neurons are specifically excited by reward. A population of non- dopamine neurons is excited by aversive stimuli |
Brischoux et al., 2009 | Rat | VTA (ventral/ dorsal) |
Electrophysiology | Footshock | Inhibition of dorsal VTA dopamine neurons by noxious footshocks Phasic excitation of ventral VTA dopamine neurons by footshocks. |
Matsumoto and Hikosaka, 2009 | Monkey (Macaca mulatta”) |
VTA, Substantia nigra pars compacta |
Electrophysiology, monitoring of licking and blinking of the monkeys |
Pavlovian procedure with appetitive and aversive outcomes (liquid rewards and airpuffs directed at the face) |
Large number of dopamine neurons excited by both rewarding/aversive stimuli. Distinct anatomical place of these neurons. |
Cohen et al., 2009 | Mouse | VTA | Electrophysiology, optogenetics |
Odor cues | The first study to assess reward and punishment in optogenetically identified dopamine neurons. |
Mileykovskiy and Morales, 2011 | Rat | VTA | Electrophysiology and Immunohisto- chemistry |
Fear- conditioned rats exposed to stimuli predicting electrical shock |
Duration of inhibition of VTA DA neurons encodes negative emotional values of signals predicting aversive events in the environment. |
Taylor et al., 2015 | Mouse, Rat | VTA (focus on microglia) |
In vivo microdialysis, CPP, brain microinjection |
Peripheral nerve injury, tail withdrawal assay Inta-Nac cocaine, intra-VTA DAMGO |
Peripheral nerve injury-induced activation of microglia within the reward circuit disrupts dopaminergic signaling and reward behavior |