Figure 1.
Body mass, food intake, activity, and energy expenditure in Magel2 and WT mice after Sham or SG.
(A) Both Magel2 and WT mice lose weight after SG, main effect of surgery, p < 0.0001. (B) Weight loss is due to loss of fat mass in both Magel2 and WT, ***p<0.001. The SG does not affect lean mass. (C) Food intake was not different in WT or Magel2 SG mice compared to Sham. (D) Locomotor activity was not different in Magel2 SG mice compared to Sham. (E) Energy expenditure is dependent on body mass in all groups. (F) No significant main or interactions effects were detected in energy expenditure. (A-C) N=7-9/group. (D-F) N=4-5/group. WT Sham are represented as solid black lines, WT SG as dotted black lines, Magel2 Sham as solid blue lines, and Magel2 SG as dotted blue lines. Values graphed as mean ± SEM.