Prophage integration sites on the chromosome of Streptococcus pyogenes HSC5. (A) Positions of prophages on the S. pyogenes HSC5 genome. The circle represents the S. pyogenes chromosome. ori indicates the chromosomal replication origin for bidirectional DNA synthesis. The positions of the prophages, ΦHSC5.1, ΦHSC5.2, and ΦHSC5.3 on the chromosome are 31.8 min, 37.3 min, and 48 min, respectively. Inverted triangles indicate integration sites of the prophages. L denotes the position of attL next to integrase genes, and R denotes attR next to paratox genes; and (B) prophage integration sites in the HSC5 genome. White arrows indicate ORFs identified by locus tags (L897 numbers) of the S. pyogenes HSC5 genome.