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. 2016 Oct 15;8(10):641. doi: 10.3390/nu8100641

Table 1.

Included studies assessing maternal zinc status and birthweight.

Author, Country Sample Size Zinc Measure Outcome of the Study
(1) Sample Type
(2) Time at Which Gestation Diet Was Assessed or Sample Collected
(3) Method of Analysis
[42] Simmer, United Kingdom a 28 SGA
29 uncomplicated
Dietary zinc intake
Third trimester of pregnancy
7 day dietary recall
↓ mean (SEM) dietary intake in the SGA mothers compared to the women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 11.3 (0.5) vs. uncomplicated: 13.0 (0.6) mg/day, p < 0.05
[43] Negandhi, India b 144 LBW
240 uncomplicated
Dietary zinc intake
26–30 weeks
24 h dietary recall
↓ mean dietary zinc intake in women with a LBW infant compared to those with an uncomplicated pregnancy.
LBW: 5.39 mg/day vs. uncomplicated 6.77 mg/day, p < 0.001
[44] Scholl, United States c 115 with zinc intake ≤6 mg/day
699 with zinc intake ˃6 mg/day
Dietary zinc intake
28 and 36 weeks
24 h dietary recall
2-fold ↓ risk of delivering a LBW infant with dietary zinc intake ˃6 mg/day.
OR: 2.01, 95% CI: 1.11–3.66
[45] Neggers, United States d 180 LBW
1218 uncomplicated
Dietary zinc intake
18 and 30 weeks
24 h dietary recall using the nutrient data base developed by the University of Minnesota
NS association between low dietary zinc intake (less than median) and risk of LBW.
OR: 1.4, 95% CI: 0.9–2.1
Inadequate dietary zinc intake estimated to affect <17% of the studied population
[46] Wang, China b 247 with serum zinc <560 µg/L
2940 with serum zinc ≥560 µg/L
Fasting serum zinc
Across gestation
Flame AAS
↑ incidence of LBW in the mothers with serum zinc <560 µg/L compared to those with serum zinc ≥560 µg/L.
Adjusted RR: 3.41, 95% CI: 1.97, 5.91
[47] Voss Jepsen, Denmark a 10 SGA
30 uncomplicated
Heparin plasma zinc
Collected at 35–41 weeks
↑ mean (SD) plasma zinc between SGA mothers and those with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 732 (85) vs. uncomplicated: 654 (78) μg/L, p = 0.03
[48] Borella, Italy a 16 SGA
35 uncomplicated
Heparin plasma zinc
Collected in the third trimester
Flame AAS
↑ mean (SD) plasma zinc in SGA women compared to women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 685.6 (119.6) vs. uncomplicated: 627.5 (150) µg/L, p < 0.001
[49] Neggers, USA e 39 LBW
437 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected across gestation
Flame AAS
8-fold ↑ prevalence of LBW with serum zinc in the lowest quartile (457.5–797.4 µg/L) compared to the highest (1039.2–1660.1 µg/L).
OR: 8.2, 95% CI:2.4–27.5
[50] Bro, Denmark a 47 SGA and 34 preterm
220 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at delivery
Flame AAS
NS mean (SD) serum zinc levels between SGA and women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 764.7 (119.6) vs. uncomplicated: 679.7 (98) µg/L
[38] Hyvonen-Dabek, Finland f 4 SGA
10 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collection time not specified
Particle induced X-ray emission
NS mean (SD) serum zinc in SGA women compared to those with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 1270 (320) vs. uncomplicated: 1150 (220) µg/L
[51] Mistry, UK a* 19 SGA
107 uncomplicated
Heparin plasma zinc
Collected at 28–32 weeks
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
NS in mean (95% CI) plasma zinc between SGA women and those with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 708.1 (510.4–905.8) vs. uncomplicated: 634.4 (580.5–688.2) μg/L
[52] Tamura, USA g 80 SGA
80 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at 18 weeks and 30 weeks
Flame AAS
NS in mean (SD) plasma zinc between SGA and women with uncomplicated pregnancies at 18 weeks.
SGA: 627 (118) vs. uncomplicated: 667 (98) µg/L
NS in mean (SD) plasma zinc between SGA and women with uncomplicated pregnancies at 30 weeks.
SGA: 562 (92) vs. uncomplicated: 575 (92) µg/L
[53] Tamura, USA a 139 SGA
2038 uncomplicated
Non-fasting heparin plasma zinc
Collected at first prenatal visit (6 to 34 weeks)
Flame AAS
NS in the prevalence (n (%)) of SGA measured between the lowest quartile and upper 3 quartiles of zinc.
Highest: 103 (4.4) vs. lowest: 36 (4.8)
[54] Ghosh, China a 22 SGA
38 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected within 24 h of delivery
NS in mean (SD) serum zinc levels between SGA and women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 508.1 (185.9) vs. uncomplicated: 542.3 (162.8) μg/L
[55] Cherry, USA b 29 LBW
230 uncomplicated
Heparin plasma zinc
Collected across gestation
NS mean (SEM) plasma zinc in mothers with a LBW infant compared to mothers with uncomplicated pregnancies.
LBW: 604.9 (22.4) vs. uncomplicated: 577.2 (7.7) μg/L
[56] Bogden, USA h 22 LBW
50 uncomplicated
EDTA plasma zinc
Collected at delivery
Flame AAS
NS mean (SEM) plasma zinc in women with a LBW infant compared to women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
LBW: 640 (20) vs. uncomplicated: 620 (20) µg/L
Inadequate dietary zinc intake estimated to affect ≥17% of the studied population
[57] Atinmo, Nigeria h 20 LBW
30 uncomplicated
Heparin plasma zinc
Collected at delivery
↓ mean (SD) serum zinc in women with a LBW infant compared to those with uncomplicated pregnancies.
LBW: 663.1 (144.6) vs. uncomplicated: 731.5 (235.6) µg/L, p < 0.05
[58] Abass, Sudan b 50 LBW
50 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Atomic absorption spectrometry
↓ median (IQR) serum zinc in women with a LBW infant compared to those with uncomplicated pregnancies.
LBW: 629 (363–968) vs. uncomplicated 962 (846–1257) µg/L, p < 0.001
[59] Rwebembera, Tanzania c 81 LBW
84 uncomplicated
EDTA plasma zinc
Collected at delivery
Flame AAS
3-fold ↓ risk of delivering a LBW infant with serum zinc ≥ 392.2 µg/L
OR: 3.07, 95% CI: 1.07–8.97
[60] Bahl, India c 19 LBW
56 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at delivery
Flame AAS
↓ mean (SD) serum zinc in women with a LBW infant compared to those with uncomplicated pregnancies.
LBW: 553 (43) vs. 692 (95) µg/L, p < 0.001
[61] Singh, India e 47 LBW
45 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at delivery
↓ mean (SD) serum zinc in women with a LBW infant compared to those with uncomplicated pregnancies.
LBW: 623 (330) vs. uncomplicated: 895 (514) μg/L, p < 0.001
[62] Prema, India e 23 LBW
208 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at delivery between 9–11.30 a.m.
Flame AAS
↑ mean (SD) serum zinc in mothers with a LBW infant compared to mothers with an uncomplicated pregnancy.
LBW: 660 (162) vs. uncomplicated: 620 (146) µg/L, p < 0.01
[63] Badakhsh, Iran b 30 LBW
110 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at delivery
↑ mean (SD) serum zinc in mothers with a LBW infant compared to mothers with an uncomplicated pregnancy.
LBW: 686.2 (204.8) vs. uncomplicated: 514.3 (138.8) µg/L, p < 0.001
[64] Goel, India a 20 LBW
25 uncomplicated
Heparin plasma zinc
Collected at delivery
NS mean (SD) plasma zinc in women with a LBW infant compared to those with an uncomplicated pregnancy.
LBW: 726 (61) vs. uncomplicated: 763 (56) μg/L
[65] Srivastava, India b 26 LBW
25 uncomplicated
Heparin plasma zinc
Collected at delivery
Flame AAS
NS mean (SD) plasma zinc between mothers with a LBW infant and mothers with uncomplicated pregnancies.
LBW: 6470 (4860) vs. uncomplicated: 5670 (2490) µg/L
[66] Jeswani, India a 10 SGA
25 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at 28–40 weeks
NS mean (SD) serum zinc in SGA women compared to those with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 938 (76.2) vs. uncomplicated: 962.8 (194.8) µg/L
[67] George, India a 65 SGA
51 uncomplicated
Heparin plasma zinc
Collected before labor between 8–10 a.m.
NS in mean (SD) plasma zinc between SGA and women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 675 (90) vs. uncomplicated: 706.7 (139) µg/L
[68] Akman, Turkey f 22 SGA
34 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at delivery
NS mean (SD) serum zinc between SGA women and women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
SGA: 1218 (543) vs. uncomplicated 1038 (343) µg/L
[69] Ozdemir, Turkey b 16 LBW
59 uncomplicated
Serum zinc
Collected at 38–42 weeks
Flame AAS
NS mean (SD) serum zinc between mothers with a LBW infant and mothers with uncomplicated pregnancies.
Data represented on graphs

a SGA defined as ˂10th percentile; b LBW defined as ˂2500 g; c LBW defined as ≤2000 g; d LBW defined as ˂2750 g; e LBW defined as ˂2000; f SGA not defined; a* SGA defined as ˂10th percentile based on customised centiles; g SGA defined as ˂15th percentile; h LBW defined as ≤2500 g. Bold print signifies results that were significantly different. Abbreviations: AAS: atomic absorption spectrometry; CI: confidence interval; IQR: interquartile range; LBW: low birth weight; NS: non-significant; OR: odds ratio; SD: standard deviation; SEM: standard error of the mean; SGA: small for gestational age.