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. 2016 Nov;33(5):592–600. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.08.004

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of sample by family type.

Solo mothers Partnered mothers
Mean SD Mean SD F P
Age of mother (years) 43.71 3.36 38.83 3.86 33.04 <0.001
Age of child (months) 56.71 10.71 59.89 12.08 NS
n % n % χ2 P
Child sex
 Male 14 45.2 27 57.4 1.13 NS
 Female 17 54.8 20 42.6
 None 19 61.3 14 29.8 8.27 <0.05
 One 10 32.3 23 48.9
 Two or more 2 6.5 10 21.3
Mother's education
 Below university degree 10 32.3 22 46.8 1.69 NS
 Undergraduate degree 11 35.5 14 29.8
 Postgraduate degree 10 32.3 11 23.4
Mother's working status
 Not working 9 29.0 14 29.8 0.01 NS
 Working 22 71.0 33 70.2
Perceived financial difficulties
 None 27 87.1 40 85.1 0.11 NS
 Minor 2 6.5 4 8.5
 Definite 2 6.5 3 6.4

NS, not significant.