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. 2016 May 18;34(3):152–160. doi: 10.1111/1755-5922.12180

Table 5.

Practice patterns of antiplatelets and anticoagulants among patients with concomitant HF and CAD

Country/Study Study design Population Observation period Antiplatelet use, % patients Anticoagulant use, % patients
Aspirin Clopidogrel Other Warfarin
Australia/Krum et al., 2006 38 Multicentre 116 patients with MI and HF 2004–2005 84 55 NR 13
Canada/Ezekowitz et al., 2004 39 Prospective cohort 6427 patients with HF and angiographically proven CAD NR 73 NR 25a 29
US/Newby et al., 2006 40 Retrospective registry (database) 8914 patients with CAD and HF 1995–2002 75.3 NR 6.1b 13
International‐STICH trial (22 countries)/Velazquez et al., 201129 Multicenter, nonblinded, randomized 1212 patients with CAD suitable for revascularization and LVEF ≤ 0.35 July 2002‐May 2007 84 13–16 NR 20–21

CAD, coronary artery disease; HF, heart failure; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; NR, not reported; STICH, Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure; US, United States.


Any thienopyridine.


Nonaspirin antiplatelet.