Bars represent mean success rates (± S.E.M.) for tests A, B, C and D, or median success rate (Q25-Q75) for test E. *: p < 0.05 correspond to values above chance level at group level. Bars with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05). Numbers above bars indicate the numbers of individuals that reached the success criterion over the total number of subjects that participated and numbers with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05). Types of signals: S. Pointing: static pointing gesture, Voice: voice directed to the reward, S. pointing & Voice: static pointing gesture and voice directed to the reward directed to the reward; D. pointing & Voice: dynamic pointing gesture and voice directed to the reward, Voice & Presence: voice directed to the reward and experimenter’s presence. Test A: “previous signals exposure test”, test B: pointing and voice test 1, test C: dynamic pointing and voice test, test D: pointing and voice test 2, test E: voice test.