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. 2016 Sep 24;17(10):1625. doi: 10.3390/ijms17101625

Table 2.

Comparison between different inherited epidermolysis bullosa types and healthy controls.

Parameter Total EB Cases n = 42 Other EB Types n = 23 RDEB n = 19 p-Value Corrected p-Value* Controls n = 38 p-Value Corrected p-Value *
Anti-skin antibodies, U/mL
DSG1 3.83 (0.18–38.83) 2.67 (0.18–20.2) 5.62 (1.25–38.83) 0.022 0.066 2.12 (0–15.09) 0.331 0.382
DSG3 3.72 (0–40.4) 2.8 (0–10.02) 6.14 (0.94–40.4) <0.001 <0.001 1.58 (0.08–8.38) 0.101 0.152
BP180 7.1 (0.5–118.8) 5.7 (0.5–83.3) 14.2 (2.2–118.8) 0.005 0.019 1.82 (0–34.41) 0.015 0.038
BP230 4.75 (0.5–66) 3.7 (0.5–15.6) 12.7 (1.97–66) 0.003 0.015 1.68 (0.22–26.74) 0.02 0.043
COL7 1.92 (0–41.05) 1.08 (0–7.58) 4.96 (0.3–41.05) <0.001 <0.001 0.26 (0–3.99) <0.001 <0.001
Cytokines, pg/mL
IL-1β 16.62 (1.16–192.67) 8.03 (1.16–144.31) 37.74 (2.23–192.67) 0.101 0.216 2.75 (0.88–189.66) 0.009 0.027
IL-2 111.23 (18.76–3992.66) 105.15 (18.76–3992.66) 120.7 (34.86–3475.02) 0.548 0.685 31.61 (8.01–2400) 0.002 0.008
IL-4 0.96 (0.79–4.5) 0.96 (0.79–4.5) 0.96 (0.79–3.26) 0.39 0.65 0.94 (0.6–2.07) 0.153 0.202
IL-6 33.44 (5.32–1000) 23.77 (5.32–1000) 40.37 (9.28–858.09) 0.086 0.215 8.54 (4.46–1000) 0.002 0.008
IL-8 45.09 (13.14–449) 44 (13.14–449) 49.7 (21.97–124.24) 0.617 0.712 27.96 (12.96–939.06) 0.471 0.505
IL-10 32.98 (8–250) 42.59 (8–250) 30.95 (12.96–187.6) 0.969 0.969 21.12 (5.86–250) 0.034 0.06
IL-12 1.52 (1.14–9.21) 1.44 (1.14–9.21) 1.65 (1.22–3.8) 0.493 0.672 1.36 (1–7.29) 0.162 0.202
TNF-α 175.12 (137.66–4800) 165.29 (137.66–1364.65) 176.27 (148.9–4800) 0.363 0.65 176.1 (128.17–1351.09) 0.648 0.648
TNF-β 1737.07 (1101.8–36,000) 1753.29 (1101.8–36,000) 1719.14 (1149.51–36,000) 0.75 0.804 1267.11 (802.84–3764.79) <0.001 <0.001
IFN-γ 330.16 (79.18–5000) 279.12 (79.18–5000) 360.25 (110.6–4607.18) 0.468 0.672 176.34 (73.56–4910) 0.036 0.06

BP180: antibodies against bullous pemphigoid 180; BP230: antibodies against bullous pemphigoid 230; COL7: type VII collagen; DEB: dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa; DSG1: antibodies against desmoglein 1; DSG3: antibodies against desmoglein 3; EB: inherited epidermolysis bullosa; IFN: interferon; IL: interleukin; RDEB: recessive dystrophic inherited epidermolysis bullosa; TNF: tumor necrosis factor. Median values (range in parentheses). * p-Values were adjusted for multiple testing using the false discovery rate method (with the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure). Controls were compared with other EB types.