Effect of ouabain infusion and rostafuroxin treatment on IRI-induced alterations of renal markers. Ouabain was infused in rats at 30 µg/kg/day for eight weeks by osmotic mini-pumps (OHR rats). Controls received saline. After four weeks, a group of OHR and control rats received orally rostafuroxin at 100 µg/kg/day for four weeks, or vehicle. At the eighth week, all rats underwent ischemia and were sacrificed after five days. The expression of marker proteins was quantified in ischemic versus contra-lateral healthy kidney. Data are mean ± SEM, n = 8/13 rats per each group, see Methods. (a,b) Percent variation of protein expression in ischemic versus contra-lateral kidney for nephrin, α1 Na-K ATPase, Bcl2, and PKG1; (c) KIM-1 mRNA as relative expression in ischemic and contra-lateral kidney (left) and as fold change (right) in ischemic versus contra-lateral kidney quantified by RT-PCR. c, contra-lateral kidney; contr, control; R, rostafuroxin. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 plus versus minus rostafuroxin; $
p < 0.05 OHR versus contr.