Edema-forming activity of BlatPII. Groups of four CD-1 mice were injected subcutaneously in the right footpad with 5 µg of BlatPII, in a volume of 50 µL PBS. Controls were injected with 50 µL PBS only. The paw thickness was measured using a low pressure spring caliper, as a quantitative index of edema, before injection and at 30, 60, 180 and 360 min after injection. Edema was calculated as the percentage of increase in the paw thickness of the right foot injected with SVMP as compared to the left foot; in parallel, 5 µg of BlatH1 were used as a positive control. BlatH1 induced significantly higher (p < 0.05) edema than BlatPII at all time intervals, whereas BlatPII induced a significant edema, as compared to the control, only at 60 and 180 min (* p < 0.05).