Figure 1.
“Support for Life” stepped wedge cluster randomized control trial (SWcRCT) study design. Overall, there are 30 clusters participating, 10 clusters in each state, and so the above figure shows the design that is replicated in each state. In each cluster, we aim to recruit 10 study participants having dementia or cognitive impairment, making the overall recruitment target at 300 participants. Data are collected from all participants during the seven data collection time points shown by a dashed-line in the above figure (i.e., at baseline and 3, 6, 12, 15, 18, and 24 months). We expect an attrition rate of 20 percent; therefore, we expect approximately 240 participants with dementia or cognitive impairment and approximately 1,680 participant data points to be examined in this SWcRCT. Attrition is expected to occur at any time point, and the modeling will include all participant data; participant data may be complete (available from all seven time points) or incomplete (available from one to six time points). The intensive intervention phase is shown in dark blue. The post-intervention phase is shown in light-blue (this is the second year for the year 1 intervention group), where participants can still access the intervention, but the intervention will no longer be promoted at those clusters.