Fig. 3.
Expression patterns of nine terpene synthase genes in D. discoideum (DdTPS1-9). This analysis was based on published RNAseq data (24), which were obtained at seven time points during a complete developmental program in which individual D. discoideum cells aggregated and differentiated, forming a multicellular slug that migrated and then formed a fruiting body in a highly coordinated process that lasted approximately 24 h. The expression levels of nine DdTPS genes were measured by RPKM (reads per kilobase per million sequenced reads) and then displayed on a log2(RPKM+1) scale in this line plot. The line plot shows the transcript abundance (y axis; log-scale) of nine DdTPS genes. The cartoons depict various stages during multicellular development: vegetative, individual cells (0 h), streaming (8 h), loose aggregate (10 h), tipped aggregate (14 h), slug (16 h), Mexican hat (20 h), and fruiting bodies (24 h).