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. 2016 Oct 19;16(10):1742. doi: 10.3390/s16101742

Table 4.

SERS enhancements for the different test Ag substrates, in this study: As illustrated by the absolute intensities (AI, counts ± standard error of mean, n = 4) and enhancement factors (EF × 105) for the ~1076 cm−1 and the ~1595 cm−1 SERS peaks for 1 mM MBT as a function of chemical etching, with and without heat treatments using 514 nm laser wavelength.

1076 cm−1 1595 cm−1
Non-Heated Heated Non-Heated Heated
AI Counts EF × 105 AI Counts EF × 105 AI Counts EF × 105 AI Counts EF × 105
Native Ag Substrate 1728 ± 629 3.3 1209 ± 901 2.3 1883 ± 779 5.3 1087 ± 957 3.0
30 s NH4OH 2104 ± 266 4.0 933 ± 414 1.8 1630 ± 126 4.6 815 ± 283 2.3
10 s HNO3 3506 ± 446 6.6 2352 ± 330 4.5 3656 ± 584 10.2 1876 ± 357 5.2
2 m HNO3 1035 ± 336 2.0 1884 ± 337 3.6 4672 ± 622 13.1 1563 ± 362 4.4
30 s NH4OH + 10 s HNO3 5825 ± 849 11.0 2093 ± 549 4.0 6027 ± 989 16.9 3166 ± 964 8.9
30 s NH4OH + 2 m HNO3 1994 ± 495 3.8 434 ± 109 0.8 2257 ± 540 6.3 476 ± 92 1.3