PDE1/PDE2 cross-talk regulates surface GluA1 surface expression in adult striatal tissue. A, treatment with a PDE2 inhibitor potentiates the D1-induced increase in surface GluA1 expression. Acute mouse striatal slices were treated for 30 min under the following conditions: DMSO, 1.0 μm A68930, or 1.0 μm A68930 + 10 μm BAY60-7550. Surface GluA1 and total GluA1 expression are shown. GAPDH was used as a loading CT. B, densitometry of the immunoblots shown in A. Significance was analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc test (DMSO versus A68930: *, p = 0.0154; DMSO versus A68930 + BAY60-7550: **, p = 0.0071; A68930 versus A68930 + BAY60-7550: *, p = 0.0402; n = 7). C, treatment with a PDE1 inhibitor decreases the D1-induced increase in surface GluA1 expression. Acute mouse striatal slices were treated for 30 min under the following conditions: DMSO, 0.1 μm A68930, 1.0 μm A68930 + 100 μm MMPX, or 1.0 μm A68930 + 10 μm BAY60-7550 + 100 μm MMPX for 30 min. Surface GluA1 and total GluA1 expression are shown. GAPDH was used as a loading CT. D, densitometry of the immunoblots shown in C. Significance was analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc test (DMSO versus A68930: *, p = 0.0496; DMSO versus A68930 + MMPX: n.s., p = 0.9683; DMSO versus A68930 + MMPX + BAY60-7550: *, p = 0.0438; A68930 versus A68930 + MMPX: *, p = 0.0336; A68930 versus A68930 + MMPX + BAY60-7550: n.s., p = 0.8937; A68930 + MMPX versus A68930 + MMPX + BAY60-7550: *, p = 0.0347).