Mass spectrometry data to identify core components of subcomplex I and II. A, core components of subcomplex I (SCI) were identified by comparison of TAP-MS results using Rat2 as bait with previous results with Raa4 as bait (gray column Raa4; X indicates the presence of the core component in the Raa4-TAP eluates) (24). Peptide spectral matches (PSMs) of identified proteins are listed. kDa, predicted molecular mass. B, schematic summary of results from A. C, core components of subcomplex II were identified by comparison of TAP-MS results using Raa2 as bait with previous results with Raa7 as bait (gray column Raa7; X indicates the presence of the core component in the Raa7-TAP eluates) (17). Peptide spectral matches of identified proteins are listed. D, schematic summary of results from C. Anchors indicate bait proteins used for TAP-MS.