Fig. 2.
Summary of genotype effects of HET mice and comparison with minor alleles in human FADS gene cluster. Red arrows: changes in gene expression in liver and FA abundance in RBC and liver in HET mice compared with WT; lipid fractions in liver and RBC total lipid that showed a significant change are shown in parentheses in red. Blue arrows: changes in FA abundance in RBC (21) and serum (22) in minor alleles of SNPs compared with major alleles in the human FADS cluster; specimens that showed a significant change are shown in parentheses in blue. Orange arrows: likely changes in human FADS2 and FADS1 expression based on the comparison with the HET mouse gene expression and FA profiles; increased LA, ALA, and C20:2 n-6, as well as decreased C18:3 n-6, indicate decreased expression of FADS2, whereas increased DGLA in contrast to HET mouse and a more extensive decrease in downstream products suggest a decrease in FADS1 expression in human minor alleles. RBC, the common data from both human and mice, is shown in bold. Although no data of gene expression or FA profiles in human liver are available, the serum FA profile likely reflects the hepatic synthesis because the FAs in fasting serum are largely originated from liver.