Three-dimensional reconstructions of bulbs of transgenic mice expressing rat OR I7 from a mouse MOR23 promoter and gap-YFP with and without Nrp1. For PD14, three bulbs of three I7-Cre-YFP Tg littermates (indicated in shades of gray) and eight bulbs of seven I7-Cre-YFP Tg × n5247-flox littermates (indicated in distinct colors) were reconstructed. For one mouse, both the left and right bulbs (green and turquoise) are included in the merged bulb. For PD21, three bulbs of three I7-Cre-YFP Tg × n5247-flox littermates were reconstructed. Views are medial, lateral, and ventral. A, Merged bulb of three I7-Cre-YFP Tg bulbs at PD14. B, Merged bulb of three I7-Cre-YFP Tg bulbs at PD14 together with eight I7-Cre-YFP Tg × n5247-flox bulbs at PD14. Because of the large number of glomeruli depicted, the gray-transparent outer layer of the bulb shown in Figures 3 and 9 is here omitted. Medially, I7-Cre-YFP Tg × n5247-flox glomeruli are shifted anteriorly and ventrally and scattered over a sector that is anchored on the tightly clustered I7-Cre-YFP Tg glomeruli. Laterally, I7-Cre-YFP Tg × n5247-flox glomeruli are shifted dorsally and ventrally and scattered over a belt that is centered on the tightly clustered I7-Cre-YFP Tg glomeruli. This belt surrounds the anterior bulb as a U-shape but is not continuous ventrally, as can be seen in the ventral view. C, Merged bulb of three I7-Cre-YFP Tg × n5247-flox bulbs at PD21. These mice also contain the reporter ROSA-STOP-lacZ, but the taulacZ marker is not visualized. The number and degree of scattering of glomeruli is more pronounced than at PD14.