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. 2016 Nov;106(6):1503–1509. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.08.013

Table 1.

Contact and quality of relationship with surrogate and egg donor.

Variable Surrogate (n = 40), n (%) Egg donor (n = 36), n (%) χ2 Illustrative quotes (SU = surrogate, ED = egg donor)
Met since child born 25.34, P<.01 “We went to visit once with [child] shortly after he was born and then again after [other child] was born. We wanted her parents, her mom, to meet the boys as well.” (ED)
 Yes 33 (83) 9 (25)
 No 7 (17) 27 (75)
Met in past year “She visited us maybe 6 wk ago for 2 or 3 d and her daughter has spent a couple of weeks with us in the summer twice, and her and her husband have come another time.” (SU)
 Yes 21 (53) 2 (6) 19.79, P<.01
 1–2 times 15 (71) 0
 3+ 6 (29) 2 (100)
 No 19 (47) 34 (94)
Contact maintenance 23.25, P<.01 “We have only minimal contact with the egg donor, so I send them an e-mail maybe once or twice a year with some pictures, just to stay in contact…” (ED)
 Contacta 34 (85) 11 (31)
 Facebook 21(62) 6 (55)
 Email 14 (41) 3 (27)
 Cards/gifts/flowers 11 32) 2 (18)
 Text message 10 (29) 1 (9)
 Phone 9 (26) 0
 Skype 3 (9) 0
 No contact 6 (15) 25 (69)
Met family 19.93, P<.01 “…we had a ceremony for a Jewish tradition, a Rabbi blesses the baby and gives [the baby] a Hebrew name and we paid and flew her and her sons to come up for that.” (SU)
 Yes 27 (68) 6 (17)
 Siblings, parents, etc. 18 (66) 6 (100)
 Weddings 4 (15)
 Baby showers 5 (19)
 No 13 (32) 30 (83)
Happy with level of contact “I would be fine if it was more but I'm not bothered that it is what it is. I would not want there to be less. As I say it's just so marvelous when we do get together, it's just terrific, she's just wonderful and her husband is great. We're big fans.” (SU)
 No contact 6 (15) 25 (69)
 Contact 34 (85) 11 (31)
 Content 11 (32) 3 (27) 4.17, P<.05
 Neutral 21 (62) 4 (36)
 Discontent 2 (6) 4 (36)
Quality of relationship with parent A “We have a great relationship, she is like a relative to us. …We're very close to her husband. It was a real bonding experience for us, I think they're probably some of the closest people to us really.” (positive relationship SU)
 No relationship 6 (15) 25 (69)
 Relationship 34 (85) 11 (31)
 Positive 18 (53) 6 (55) .03, P=.57
 Neutral 15 (44) 5 (45)
 Negative 1 (3) 0
Quality of relationship with child “Like when anyone comes over to the house, who's someone special, [child] gets along with all of them, like a special visitor. She and her husband are our special visitors, he doesn't react to her any differently than he does with other special visitors that we have.” (neutral, SU)
 Not seen child after birth 7 (17) 27 (75)
 Met child 33 (83) 9 (25)
 Nonexistent 7 (21) 5 (56)
 Close 7 (21) 2 (22) .04, P=.85
 Neutral 10 (31) 0
 Distant 8 (24) 1 (11)
 Missing 1 (3) 1 (11)

Some fathers engaged in multiple methods of contact maintenance, thus percentages do not equal 100.